Wednesday 29 May 2013


29th may 2013

Today Nigeria my fatherland, the land of my birth celebrates 14 years since the return to democratic rule. A Nigeria free of military rule and free to live in a democratic and free society.
14 years ago, institutions were weak, liberties were restricted and institutions of governance were run by individuals free from democratic ideals – people did as the central government demanded.
14 years into our future Nigeria shall both be economically thriving and politically stable.
Instability is not a unique concept but a natural reality, Nigeria has succeeded in maintaining democracy for the good of its over 160million citizens spread across 36states. Our only challenge remains the ability of our leaders to stir the ship of the nation through the waters of present political challenges.
Nigeria must defend her democracy, she must rise above few who undermine the importance of a democratic society and seek to impose their personal views on the state. Her leaders must surmount these challenges and take Nigeria to her promised land.
Nigeria is ordained to be great. We have hope of a bright future and we are an enviable society among the nations of the world. Yes, we are not behind the least of the nations of the world. The future is not the monopoly of any individual or country but is an empty slate for everyone to participate and write out his own desires.
We must continue with the resilient spirit and walk honourable into the Nigeria - the land of our dreams, free, democratically and economically thriving. Lets make our country the destination of the world in the next 13 years. The number one economy in our generation.
Unity: an undivided and unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting – oneness, the quality of being united into one, Integrity and wholesomeness.
Nigeria is not Nigeria without the Hausas, the Igbos, the Yorubas and the 250 other Ethnic groups of the nation.
Insecurity in one area of Nigeria, is insecurity in the entire Nigeria State and must not be tolerated or accepted.
Complete confidence in a person or a plan.
We must have faith in our nation – our people our resources and our future.
We are a strategic nation  - the number one most populous nation of black people, we have a history of supporting the stop of racism in South Africa and in parts of globle.
Development of Africa and the black world depends on the development and distinction and advancement of Nigeria.
“Loyalty or allegiance to a cause.
We must have a breed of Nigeria families that believe in the future and greatness of their country, people who do things differently and who have patriotism, - love and defence for one country.
3 . PEACE:
A State prevailing during the absence of war.
We must have peace in all our borders and must be harmoious and zero tolerance for dispute. Stress and anxiety within our borders and among our citizens and intern-ethnic institutions must be totally eliminated.
Wars across cultural boundaries must be treated as against the state of Nigeria. Nation first, tribe and ethnicity second.
Gradual improvement or growth/development.
Our goal is to be the number one nation above all nations of the earth. Yes We must move toward this goal. We must move forward. Hence we are not a developing nation, but a forward looking, advancement oriented nation. To build a nation of peace, justice and a heaven for fairness and tolerance for all people with attention to:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Freedom and Respect of rights
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Economic Advancement
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Social Justice and Liberties.
I salute and remember our brothers giving up their lives in the service of our fatherland in defense against the present bokoharam insurgence, and I look forward with hope into the future knowing that their sacrifice is not in vain.

Happy Democracy Day Nigeria.

Damian Maro
P.O.Box 6470, Garki Abuja Nigeria.

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