Saturday, 29 October 2016

Increasing your 30percent output by an additional 10 percent.

Rome they say was never built in a day, and I add, it was built even without the latest android or IBM techonogy. The sucess of enterprises is not dependent on technology as much as on the staff and the techniqiues they employ. However, in the modern age, technology plays a key advantage and hence presents a competitive advantage to those who possess thesame. However, we have been able to identify a few ideas that should be in place to improve the efficiency, output and performance of corporate teams and organisations.
Train staff.: Highly skilled staff are crucial. it therefore is improtant to ensure that staff are constantly trained to utilize the best methodologies and skills to carry out their duties and tasks.
Utilize latest resources and Technologies: The rate of technology rate and change is at a geometric proportion. Organisations that still retain old methods and practises may find that their counterparts are more efficient, effective and utilize less resrouces in accomplishing some of their most basic task. Therefore, teams must always identify and utilize the best financial, technological and material resources.
Provide the Best compensation: When staff are not paid or compesated adequately, they become dissatisfied and natrually too seek for more engaging and financially rewarding opportunities. To retain the best, you must be ready to pay and maintain with the best reward packages.
Ensure strict adherence to procedures and protocols. Discipline is said to be the soul of the army. Strict adherance to procedures and protocols is crucial for organisations that want to grow and last long. Violations of protocols and standards must be met with the adequate frown and disciplinary action. This ensures that the organisation is constantly performing at maximum efficiency.
With these few points, corporations and organisations can be sure to improve their output and scale their performance to remain competitive and remain that the edge of their industries.

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